terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2004

O meio é a mensagem

"Aldeia Global" e "o meio é mensagem " são 2 dos insights que popularizaram McLuan.

Eis uma interessante e explícita interpretação do sentido deste último feita pelo filho , Eric McLuhan, no livro Forward Throught the Rearview Mirror ( que é bestial ) :

"The Medium is the message" is pregnant with all kinds of meanings. My father used this phrase as the title of a book that came out in the late sixties, only he gave it a little twist. he called the book The Medium is the MASSAGE. There are four puns in that little phrase. First , " the medium is the message"- the familiar phrase. Split "message" into two words : mess-age. Every new medium makes a mess of the age. It messes up the current situation. The "massage": every new medium gives the culture a working over and a complete massage- both unexpected an unwanted. Then split "massage" into two words: mass-age-The message is the mass age, meaning our present media and mass audiences.So there are four levels of meaning in that litle , and intended all four.

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